Index of /question paper/2011-2020/Nov_Dec_2011/Nov-Dec.2011/Mechanical Engineering/Second year/Fourth Semester

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -  
[   ]Me 1251 Thermal Engineering (regulations 2007).doc2021-01-19 17:31 78K 
[   ]MH 1151 Engineeirng Materials and maetallurgy (regualtions 2007).doc2021-01-19 17:31 67K 
[   ]ME 1253 manufacturing Technology II (regualtiosn 2007).doc2021-01-19 17:31 43K 
[   ]ME 1252 Kinematics of machinery (Regualtions 2007).doc2021-01-19 17:31 92K 
[   ]ME 444Engineering Materials and MEtallurgy (regualtions 2008).doc2021-01-19 17:31 66K 
[   ]ME 46 Electronics and Microprocessors (regulations 2008).doc2021-01-19 17:31 46K 
[   ]ME 45 Strength of Materials (regualtions 2008).doc2021-01-19 17:31 90K 
[   ]ME 43 Manufacturing Technology II (regulations 2008).doc2021-01-19 17:31 68K 
[   ]ME 41 Heat and mass Transfer (regulations 2008).doc2021-01-19 17:31 82K 
[   ]MA 1253 Probability and Statistics (regulatins 2007).doc2021-01-19 17:31 89K 
[   ]MA 42 Statistics and Numerical Methods (regulations 2008).doc2021-01-19 17:31 111K 
[   ]EC 1264 Electronics and Microprocessors (regualtios 2007).doc2021-01-19 17:31 70K 
[   ]CE 1262 Strength of materials (Regualtions 2007).doc2021-01-19 17:31 78K 

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